

What is ExpressJS?

Express JS is a framework for Node.js, which allows backend development using JavaScript. Naturally, it works best with other technologies that also use JavaScript as the base language. Express.js was first released in 2010 by developer TJ Holowaychuk. It’s the most popular framework as of now.

Features of ExpressJS

  1. Faster Server side development

    Express.js provides many commonly used features of Node.js in the form of functions that can be readily used anywhere in the program. This removes the need to code for several hours and thus saves time.

  2. Middleware

    Middleware is a part of the program that has access to the database, client requests, and the other middlewares. It is mainly responsible for the systematic organization of different functions of Express.js.

  3. Routing

    ExpressJS provides a highly advanced routing mechanism that helps to preserve the state of the webpage with the help of their URLs.

  4. Templating

    ExpressJS provides templating engines that allow the developers to build dynamic content on the web pages by building HTML templates on the server-side.

  5. Debugging

    Debugging is crucial for the successful development of web applications. ExpressJS makes debugging easier by providing a debugging mechanism that has the ability to pinpoint the exact part of the web application which has bugs.

Advantages Of Express.js

Express.js is a popular tool because of the following advantages:

  • It is easy to learn because many front-end users are already familiar with JavaScript. So they don’t have to learn a new language in order to learn Express.js
  • This makes backend development much easier for front end developers using Express.js
  • A web developer can use JavaScript as a single language for both front-end and back-end development. The developer does not need to learn or use any other language for server-side development.
  • The JavaScript Code is interpreted through Google V8 JavaScript Engine by Node.js. Therefore, the code is implemented quickly and easily in an effective manner.
  • The Express.js framework is very simple to customize and use as per the needs.
  • Express.js provides a flexible middleware module. It is mainly useful for doing extra tasks on response and request.